
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Love advice from Jerry Springer

Love is in the air – no really!

When it starts to get chilly out – you know, sweater weather…singles come out in droves in search of a winter cuddle buddy. It’s called “cuffing season”, as I've learned. Yes, it’s really a thing.

But it’s not forever love, like some of you may be searching for. Usually the cuff is broken when summer rolls around.

That’s where Jerry Springer steps in.

I recently interviewed him for a story about his new show Baggage airing in January on GSN. It's about three contestants who reveal their most intimate secrets before going out with the prospective date. 
Christie Post - The Now Tampa Bay/ABC
Let’s hope you already research the person you are dating anyways. i.e. Facebook stalk

Ok back to Jerry. When you think of the talk show host – you think of chaos.

I asked him what's his most memorable love story? He said, "when a man married his horse, and then the horse broke up with him." Of course, Jerry said he was against it. 

Now you’re probably thinking, why would I take advice from him?

You may be surprised to hear, he thinks the majority of the relationships he sees are stupid. Yeah, he told me that.

Truthfully he said you will find “the one” when you are not looking. 

I know it’s not much to go on, but that can’t eat, can’t sleep, over the moon kind of love – just happens.